Battleship Groβer Kurfürst belonged to the Konig class of the Kaiser German Navy during WWI. It was first laid down in 1911, launched in 1913 and commissioned in 1914. Battleships of the Konig class were mighty vessels, excellently geared for North Sea conditions. The four sister ships formed the 3rd Squadron of the Open Sea Navy (Hochseeflotte). This squadron took part in all battle operations of the Open Sea Navy after WWI started. One of the sorties caused the Battle of Jutland, which lasted for two days and was the greatest and fiercest sea battle of WWI. The British battleships Warspite, Valiant and Malaya were severely damaged by 3rd Squadron fire.
ICM recommends Humbrol paints for this kit. MegaHobby stocks their full line of enamels and sprays!
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Product Details:
Scale: 1/350
Parts: 503
Length: 20”
Skill Level: 3
– Painting and assembly required
– 7 sprues
– One-piece hull and deck
– Build full hull version
– Display stand and nameplate
– Onboard boats
– Optional parts for turret
– Molded in grey
– Decals
– Illustrated instructions and paint guide
Paint Guide:
A. 1914
Matte Black
Matte White
Matte Light Grey
Matte Dark Grey
Bright Red
Matte Brick Red
Camouflage Grey
Satin Oak
Matte Natural Wood
Gloss Emerald
B. 1918
Matte Black
Matte Light Grey
Bright Red
Camouflage Grey
Matte Natural Wood
Gloss Emerald
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