The Heian Maru was one of Japan’s many pre-war civilian passenger ships requisitioned and converted for use as ‘special submarine tenders’ by the Imperial Japanese Navy just before the outbreak of war with the Allied Powers. Originally constructed in 1930 as an ocean liner, it was converted for submarine tender use by the IJN in 1941. Assigned to the 1st Submarine Fleet, the Heian Maru was, in effect, a floating submarine base, providing rest and relaxation facilities for sub crews as well as repair and resupply facilities for the subs themselves. It performed combat duty from the beginning of hostilities until February 1942, when it was sunk off Truk Island by an Allied aerial attack.
Please see the paint guide below for the manufacturer’s suggested colors.
Product Details:
Scale: 1/700
Skill Level: 2
Parts: 100+
– Painting and assembly required
– 5 sprues
– Molded in grey plastic
– One decal sheet
– One-piece deck
– Optional weapons
– 15cm guns
– Lots of deck details
– Waterline build
– Illustrated instructions and paint guide
Paint Guide:
Cocoa Brown or Hull Red
Dark Grey 1
Dark Grey 2
Flat Black
Red Brown
Light Grey
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