König class battleships were famous vessels of the Kaiser German Navy of the WWI period. In total there were four sister ships: König, Großer Kurfürst, Markgraf and Kronprinz, which were all commissioned in 1914-1915. These battleships played a part in every encounter with the British Grand Fleet. In the battle of Jutland (May 31, 1916) they formed the 3rd Squadron of the German Fleet and damaged many British ships. In 1917 they participated in companies against Russian Navy in Moonsund. After the armistice was signed the König class battleships, along with the entire German Navy, were interned at Scapa Flow, where they were sunk on June 21, 1919.
ICM recommends Humbrol paints for this kit. MegaHobby stocks their full line of enamels and sprays!
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Product Details:
Scale: 1/350
Country: Germany
Length: 20”
Skill Level: 3
– Painting and assembly required
– 6 sprues
– One-piece hull
– Display stand
– Build full hull version
– Decals
– Details include stairs, ladders, life rafts and boats
– Accurate superstructure and weaponry
– Illustrated instructions and paint guide
Paint Guide:
A. Battleship Konig, 1914
Matte Black
Matte White
Bright Red
Camouflage Grey
Matte Natural Wood
Gloss Emerald
Matte Light Grey
B. Battleship Konig, 1918
Matte Black
Matte White
Matte Natural Wood
Matte Light Grey
Gloss Emerald
Bright Red
Matte Dark Grey
Matte Brick Red
Satin Oak
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